Michigan Marijuana Transportation Insurance

Providing insurance for the secure transport of your product

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Understanding Insurance For Marijuana Transportation Insurance Companies in Michigan

If you own a Michigan marijuana secure transportation service, we're sure that you've noticed the uptick in clients or prospects that are founders or employees of marijuana-related businesses. Like any other product manufactured for consumption, delivery is perhaps the most important part of the whole equation. It doesn't matter how good your product is -- if it can't get to the consumer, you'll never be successful.

That's why Michigan marijuana transportation insurance is such a hot button issue in the insurance industry. Since Michigan's statewide legalization of marijuana with the Michigan Compassionate Care Initiative in 2008, there has been a major uptick in companies looking to capitalize on the "growing" industry. And because they need to transport their product safely, when it is in its finished state and at its most valuable, they have increasingly been turning to companies who specialize in secure transportation services. This approach is certainly safer than simply trusting the shipment to an anonymous trucking company, but it does require those companies to have specialized insurance for marijuana transportation companies.

Luckily, cannabis transportation insurance in Michigan has never been more available in the marketplace. Dispensaries, cultivation companies and cannabis infused product manufacturers are lining up to find transportation companies willing to take on their business. Marijuana secure transport insurance is different for every customer, depending on their business's needs. The typical coverage areas include theft, smoke, vandalism, explosions, water damage and leakage.

Of these, theft is by far the area with the most claims made. For many cannabis producers, the worst thing that can happen is that the product does not make it to its final destination. Direct physical loss to the product can be covered by other forms of common insurance, such as commercial auto, liability and property. These coverage areas need to overlap in order to provide comprehensive coverage to both producers and transporters of marijuana. However, cannabis transportation insurance is a crucial part of the package. It will cover aspects of transportation that other, less specialized packages simply cannot. As an owner of a transportation service, it is a very necessary part of the overall insurance plan.

As exciting as this industry is now, it could expand even further in Michigan in the next few years. Flint and Detroit have already begun decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana, and ballot initiatives in support of legalization could be put to voters as soon as 2018. With Michigan's lengthy track record of success in the medical marijuana industry, this could be an excellent chance for your secure transportation services company to acquire marijuana transportation insurance and begin building a client base. Opportunities like this one don't come around every day, and you need to be ready to take advantage.

If you're interested in learning more about the marijuana secure transport insurance business, or curious about different marijuana transportation insurance packages, contact us at your convenience to schedule an appointment or request a quote. The marijuana supply chain is developing across the state of Michigan, and you don't want to be left in the dust.

Michigan Cannabis Transportation Insurance - Get A FREE Quote Now!


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